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Connect Officient to EMAsphere and analyse your personnel costs

Officient is a solution that helps you manage your human resources. The software enables you to track leave and absences, manage payroll, and centralise your employees' documents.

Thanks to the Officient-EMAsphere connector, you can analyse your personnel costs in detail. Data from Officient is collected and structured into a reliable report that is automatically updated in EMAsphere.

  • Over 70 ready-to-use and customisable indicators and tables to monitor and analyse your personnel costs in detail and build your ESG reporting.
  • View your data by entity or from a group perspective.
  • Perform cross-analyses with accounting data (e.g. gross margin per FTE).
  • Easily share your reporting with all stakeholders.
  • ...

About Officient


23.000 customers


HR solution



Solution supported by EMAsphere:

  • Officient

Discover all the tools we connect to

Accounting, sales or HR software ... We connect to more than 70 software packages !

Focus on the tasks that really matter

Boost your business performance with EMAsphere's analysis and forecasting capabilities

They made better decisions thanks to their automated reporting

Find out how our 10,000 customers are leveraging EMAsphere to run their businesses.

How EMAsphere connects to Officient



Automatically collects your data via our connector

Thanks to our connector, we are able to retrieve HR data from Officient, but also from your various data flows (accounting, sales, etc.). Read more →


Structures data via our data model

Our connectors automatically retrieve and transform your data to match our data model.


Pre-configured and customisable indicators

Benefit from a set of ready-to-use dashboards and indicators dedicated to analysing your staff costs: payslip, absenteeism, demographic structure, contracts, seniority, entries and exits, etc.

You can also customise these indicators to suit your needs.


Analysis and collaboration

Your reporting is ready! You and your colleagues can finally spend some time analysing your data. Read more →


You can now benefit from reliable and up-to-date HR reporting

You have all the keys in hand to make the best decisions for your business.