Pages section

Find out in this article all the information regarding the creation and configuration of pages for your menus.

Table of contents: 

  1. Purpose of the Pages section
  2. The Pages screen
  3. How do I add and/or configure a page in a menu?
  4. How do I modify an existing menu page?

1. Purpose of the Page section

The Pages section (Creation app) contains all the pages of the various menus in your environment.

As a reminder, a menu is made up of menu items (and sub-menu items) and each of these menu items corresponds to a page in which you can add as many widgets as you want in order to configure your tables, graphics, etc.

From this screen, you can add new pages to your existing menus and configure widgets or modify the configuration of these widgets on your existing pages.

2. The Pages screen 

This is what you see on the Pages section screen: 

  • Toolbar 

This button is used to add a page to a Desktop or a Mobile menu
This search field allows you to search on the name of the page
Origin selector displaying the levels at which menus are created 
This button allows to display only Desktop or Mobile menu pages


  • Columns and possible actions 

The icon in the first column is used to expand the page details, which then appear in the Name column.
The second column uses the colour of the origin selector level 
Name  This column shows the name of the page and the details when these are displayed.
Description This column shows the user who created the page and the creation date.
Origin  This column shows the level at which the page was created.
Type This column shows the type of page: 
  • Desktop
  • Mobile
Published  This column indicates whether the page is in a published menu or not.
Usage  This column indicates how many menus this page is used in.
These icons indicate whether the page is being edited or published
This icon allows you to delete the page.


3. How do I add and/or configure a page in a menu? 

EMAsphere-icons-positive-22 More information about how to add a page to a menu? Click here

(Point 12a of the article)

4. How do I modify an existing menu page?

EMAsphere-icons-positive-22More information about how to link a page to a menu? Click here

(Point 12b of the article)



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