Our performance management platform combines business and technological expertise. Find out how we have made these two areas work for each other.
A catalogue of several dozen connectors, in constant evolution, enables EMAsphere to be synchronised with the data from your software (accounting, HR, ERP, CRM, etc.).
Discover our connectors →
Thanks to data modelling, we can provide you with a catalogue of preconfigured graphs, KPIs and grids. In a few clicks and using the drag and drop method, add for example a graph on the performance of your cash flow, your average customer payment time, etc.
Discover an overview of our catalogue →
Thanks to our business expertise, all the features required for financial analysis are grouped together in EMAsphere. This gives you access to cash, consolidation, budgeting and forecast and analytical features.
In addition to financial information, we also add operational data to the mix in order to provide you with a real performance management tool.
No IT skills required to get started
Fast implementation
80% of KPIs, graphs and tables are already pre-configured
Discover the faces behind our solution: our team of consultants! If you become an EMAsphere customer, our team of Customer Managers will implement your reporting and become your main point of contact. They can’t wait to meet you!
EMAsphere is now a whole part to the decision-making process at Stardekk. It allows us to gain a clear and updated vision of the financial states of the company’s activities. Without it, our decision-making would be based on gut-feeling,
Read the case study →
EMAsphere allows us to automate the extraction of data useful to management. Its ease of use allows us to work efficiently and improve the teams collaboration.
Read the case study →
Je recommande EMAsphere à tous les gérants d'entreprise qui veulent avoir une vue en temps réel de leurs données avec des KPIs et des comptes de résultats qui sont mis à jour automatiquement.
Lire l'étude de cas →
Les données issues d’EMAsphere sont désormais notre seule source d’informations. Nous avons complètement pris en main l’aspect financier de notre business et le pilotons de manière collaborative.
Lire l'étude de cas →
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